We would like to start at the very beginning with our Facit Smart Analytics Update, with our first technology, introduced as People Counting tool. Now referred to as Smart Count, this tool is a simple and effective solution that can plug into existing CCTV networks to determine real-time, accurate headcounts of people in buildings or venues. This information can now also be redacted to follow GDPR guidelines.
In today’s commercial environments being able to count the number of people quickly and accurately in a defined space is vital for optimisation, analysis, and forecasting. In this blog post, we offer a breakdown of recent developments to our analytics suite of software.
Using this platform allowed us to create a brand-new algorithm that worked faster and more accurately. This also gave us the ability to use perspective view cameras, as well as existing installed security camera networks, so we no longer needed to provide specific hardware to our clients.
This method of set-up is now much faster, more agile, and less disruptive than before.
Phase Two – Additional components
The development team then focused on the second phase where they set about creating additional components that could be added to the platform.Initially, these included:
Connecting to in store screens to show both instruction and data, where required.
Providing alerts based on the specific locally set parameters
Connection to CCTV and independent audio, for relaying messages
Message alerts to third party hardware, such as headsets or mobile devices
Connectivity to hardware through electronic I/O switches, to include equipment such as doors and traffic Lights.
Reporting transparency, which provides live real time updates every 5 seconds.

Phase Three – Introduction of Smart Queuing
Once the initial suite of products is deployed, the team were then able to focus on the second Smart Count application – Smart Queueing.
This technology enables businesses to create a virtual queue anywhere in the camera’s field view, counting the people within it. The technology can then send alerts when either the queue numbers get too high, or the queuing time reaches above an agreed number. All of which can then be sent to the business through the tools previously mentioned and reported on historically within the Facit reporting suite.
Smart Queuing is an effective way to ensure that the customer experience stays positive, with less wait time at the checkouts!
Phase Four – Introduction Smart Zone
Smart Zone, aka our technology counting tool, allows businesses to see how many people are in a specific space within an environment and can count multiple individuals across multiple zones simultaneously. Data in these zones can be effectively monitored and alerts set up for data breaches or to help track individual business KPIs. All data is recorded in the Facit platform so that companies can track their brand environments over a given time period, helping them make improvements and adjustments to their spaces.
Our next-generation Smart Analytics technology has been rolled out and proven to be effective across 3 continents.
It’s safe, simple and accurate. You can learn more about our products and gain access to a FREE demonstration and discussion from our team here.
Latest Smart Analytics developments
Gender Recognition
Allows us to define the gender of an individual. Our technology can generate useful reports within the Facit reporting tool.
Trip and Fall
Allows us to monitor in real-time any person falling within the monitored spaces and then alert the business so that action can be taken to offer support.
There is more to come on these topics so click back here to read more about them soon!