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Facit Data Systems

Anonymising Data: Techniques and Best Practices

data anonymisation.
This article explores the various techniques for anonymising data, the differences between pseudonymisation and anonymisation, GDPR compliance strategies, privacy risks and real-world applications.

Anonymising Data: Techniques and Best Practices

In an increasingly data-driven world, personal data has become a valuable resource for businesses, governments, and organisations. However, this rise in data usage comes with a heightened focus on privacy, security, and regulatory compliance. Anonymising data - transforming it so that individuals are not directly identifiable - has become a key tool in protecting privacy.

This article explores the various techniques for anonymising data, the differences between pseudonymisation and anonymisation, GDPR compliance strategies, privacy risks and real-world applications.

data anonymisation best practices.

Data Masking Techniques

Data masking is a process of obscuring original data values, typically by replacing them with fictitious but realistic data. The goal is to protect sensitive information while still allowing data to be used for testing, analysis and training purposes. Various data masking techniques are used to ensure privacy while maintaining data utility.

  1. Static Data Masking
    This technique involves creating a permanent masked copy of the original dataset. It is used in non-production environments like testing or development, where access to real data is unnecessary and risky. For example, a hospital might mask patient names, but the rest of the dataset (like age or diagnosis) remains intact for research.

  2. Dynamic Data Masking
    Unlike static masking, dynamic data masking provides real-time masking of sensitive data during access. The actual data remains stored in the database, but authorised users only see the masked version based on access control policies. This method is especially useful for minimising exposure to sensitive data in real-time applications, like customer support systems.

  3. Tokenisation
    In tokenisation, sensitive data is replaced with a token or random string, while the original information is stored securely elsewhere. This method is commonly used in payment systems. For instance, credit card numbers can be tokenised so that merchants do not store the actual number, which significantly reduces the risk of data breaches.

  4. Data Shuffling
    Shuffling involves rearranging the order of records within a dataset. The goal is to make it difficult to connect specific pieces of data with the original source. For example, names and corresponding phone numbers could be shuffled, rendering the dataset meaningless without the original mapping.

  5. Nulling Out
    In this approach, specific sensitive fields are replaced with null values. This is a basic method but reduces the dataset’s usability. Nulling might be used in conjunction with other techniques, such as generalising or suppressing, to achieve anonymisation.

Pseudonymisation vs Anonymisation

When it comes to data privacy, pseudonymisation and anonymisation are often discussed interchangeably, but they represent two different processes:

  • Pseudonymisation
    In pseudonymisation, personally identifiable information (PII) is replaced with pseudonyms or identifiers, such as a random string or number. Importantly, pseudonymisation is reversible - the data can be re-identified if the pseudonymisation key is known. This technique is often used when data needs to retain a degree of link to individuals for further processing, such as in medical studies when follow-up with patients is required.

  • Anonymisation
    Anonymisation, on the other hand, involves transforming data in such a way that it is impossible (or at least extremely difficult) to re-identify the individual. Once data is anonymised, it cannot be reversed, making it the more privacy-centric approach. Anonymisation is widely regarded as the gold standard for privacy but comes at the cost of some loss of data utility.

GDPR Compliance Strategies

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), implemented by the European Union, has significantly changed the way organisations handle personal data.

Anonymising data is a key strategy for GDPR compliance because anonymised data is no longer considered personal data, and so falls outside the scope of the regulation.

Pseudonymised data, on the other hand, is still considered personal data under GDPR, meaning organisations need to continue complying with data protection rules.

Key GDPR-compliance strategies include:

  1. Data Minimisation
    Collect only the necessary data needed for a specific purpose. This reduces the amount of data that needs to be anonymised or pseudonymised and minimises risk in case of a breach.

  2. Apply Anonymisation or Pseudonymisation
    Depending on the use case, apply one of these techniques to ensure that personal data is protected. Anonymisation should be preferred where possible to reduce regulatory burden.

  3. Data Retention Policies
    GDPR requires that personal data be kept only for as long as it is necessary. Developing clear retention policies that integrate anonymisation processes after the data is no longer needed for its original purpose can enhance compliance.

  4. Data Subject Rights
    Under GDPR, individuals have the right to access, rectify and erase their personal data. For pseudonymised data, these rights still apply, so businesses must be able to trace back the data if requested.

Privacy Risks and Mitigation

Despite the advances in anonymisation techniques, there are still privacy risks that need to be considered:

  • Re-identification Risks
    Even anonymised data may be vulnerable to re-identification if it is combined with other datasets or if the anonymisation techniques are weak. Robust methods such as k-anonymity (ensuring each individual is indistinguishable from at least k-1 others in the dataset) and differential privacy (adding noise to the data) can reduce the risk of re-identification.

  • Data Linkage Attacks
    Linkage attacks occur when anonymised data is combined with other datasets to re-identify individuals. This can happen when the anonymisation is incomplete or the dataset still contains quasi-identifiers (e.g., birth date or SIP code). Regular audits and advanced anonymisation techniques can help mitigate these risks.

  • Data Utility vs Privacy
    Anonymisation often results in a trade-off between privacy and data utility. Over-anonymising can make the data useless, while under-anonymising may not provide sufficient privacy protection. It’s crucial to strike a balance depending on the intended use of the data.

Real-World Applications of Anonymisation

Anonymisation techniques are widely used across different industries to protect privacy while enabling data to be used for analytics, research, and innovation.

  1. Healthcare
    Medical data is highly sensitive and anonymisation is used to ensure patient privacy while enabling research and development. For instance, anonymised electronic health records are used to study disease patterns, develop new treatments and improve healthcare outcomes without compromising patient privacy.

  2. Finance
    In the financial industry, anonymisation is applied to transactional data to comply with regulations while allowing for the analysis of market trends, customer behaviour and fraud detection. Anonymisation enables financial institutions to share data with third parties or use it for research without exposing sensitive information.

  3. Marketing
    Marketing departments use anonymised data to analyse customer preferences and behaviours. This allows businesses to gain valuable insights without infringing on privacy rights. For example, online retailers anonymise purchasing data to optimise product offerings and advertising strategies.

Case Studies: Successful Anonymisation in Various Industries

  1. Google’s Differential Privacy
    Google applies differential privacy in its services like Google Maps. By adding noise to location data, it ensures user privacy while still providing insights into traffic patterns and popular destinations. This approach allows the company to use large-scale data for improvements while minimising the risk of identifying individual users.

  2. UK National Health Service (NHS)
    The NHS has used anonymisation to enable researchers to access large datasets for public health studies without compromising patient confidentiality. Through techniques like data masking and pseudonymisation, the NHS provides valuable data to researchers and healthcare providers while staying compliant with data protection laws.

  3. Banking and Fraud Detection
    Large banks like use anonymised transactional data to develop fraud detection algorithms. By anonymising sensitive financial data, these institutions can analyse patterns and detect anomalies without exposing individual customer information.

Conclusion: Data Anonymisation

Anonymising data is essential for balancing privacy concerns with the growing demand for data analytics.

Techniques such as data masking, pseudonymisation and anonymisation enable organisations to protect sensitive information while still leveraging data for innovation and decision-making.

However, privacy risks like re-identification must be carefully managed, and organisations must adhere to regulations like GDPR. With successful anonymisation strategies, industries such as healthcare, finance, and marketing can harness the power of data without compromising privacy.

Anonymising video footage

Facit’s compliance tools enable customers to anonymise documents by removing personal data and to anonymise video footage by automatically removing all PII. Our tools are an ideal complement to your GDPR compliance strategy: they are easy to use, fast, 100% accurate and cost-effective.

What is Data Anonymisation?

Best Practice for Video Redaction

De-identifying Health Data: Compliance and Privacy Practices