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Facit Data Systems
Case Studies

Nottingham City Transport

Bus in Nottingham city centre.
Nottingham City Transport has a large network of buses - 289 vehicles in its fleet with over 4,000 cameras – and it needed a redaction software which was quick and had minimal manual intervention.

Nottingham City Transport has been using Facit’s video redaction software, Identity Cloak, since 2020. With 14 cameras per bus – it needed software which would dramatically reduce the time it took to process an SAR, but it also needed to be cost-effective to meet budget requirements. 

Previously Nottingham City Transport used software provided with the recording system – but it was time consuming and used to take approximately a week to complete each SAR – now it's less than the day.

Check out the video below to find out more.

After trying several different facial recognition systems, Facit has always come out on top.

Facit saves us time – a 1-minute video takes 8 minutes to process. That’s start-to-finish – uploading the video, processing and exporting.

Geoff Shepherd CCTV Supervisor, Nottingham City Transport

Nottingham City Transport

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Stay on top of requests for video footage with Identity Cloak

Complete every CCTV and bodycam footage request on time. Stay compliant with your local privacy regulations.

To find out more, schedule a demo or download your free 7-day trial and start redacting your first video in under 15 minutes (no credit card required).