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Facit Data Systems

Benefits of CCTV analytics in retail and high footfall areas

Video analytics and redaction solutions
Trusted by organisations across 23 countries
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Enhancing Business Intelligence and Customer Insight with CCTV Analytics

The benefits of CCTV analytics is vast and can give businesses great insight into their stores and other high footfall spaces such as tourist attractions.

Facit’s suite of products is designed to help you gain the best insight into how customers/visitors behave in your facility. Plus, once you have video and need to share it, as evidence or as the result of a subject access request, we have the perfect solution to enable you do so without fear of breaching regulations. Facit offers you a 360 degree solution for capturing video data about your facility and ensuring that video data is stored and managed compliantly.

Video compliance suite

With the introduction of GDPR in 2018 every business holding data is aware that the protection of individuals’ privacy is a prime consideration. Video constitutes data, for which breaches of privacy result in heavy fines as well as reputational damage. Large footfall locations such as retailers, borough councils, transport companies, banks and national tourist attractions benefit from Facit’s suite of compliance products.

Retailers, venue operators and public space managers know their business, their products, their stores and spaces, and their customers/visitors, but are always hungry for more business intelligence and customer/visitor insight.

Retail is one of the most established commercial sectors; it is also one of the most competitive and among the fastest changing. High footfall tourist locations compete for visitors; while public sector officials have responsibilities and a duty of care for businesses and the public in their boroughs.

Facit helps retailers and venue operators to observe events and implement change based on accurate reports. Facit’s customers are able to observe customer behaviour, interpret activity and respond proactively in order to maximise staff resources, enhance customer satisfaction and optimise sales.

Our solutions are cost-effective and easily installed. Facit empowers users to extract maximum value from legacy CCTV infrastructure, such as security surveillance equipment, so that what has traditionally been viewed as protection, security or shrinkage data can be used to improve operations, achieve competitive advantage or assure compliance. In Identity Cloak, Facit also gives you the insurance you need in order to share video footage without fear of prosecution.

Facit core solutions are ‘out of the box’. To gain further insight into ‘hard’ and ‘soft’ behaviour – the physical and psychological well-being of a facility or managed estate – contact Facit for a demonstration, ROI analysis, technical consultancy or product trials.

Following years of Research & Development Facit Data Systems offers you an accurate, cost-effective analytics toolset:

  • Uses your installed security surveillance equipment to provide you with actionable data about real-time customer journeys and customer/colleague interactions

  • For most installations, no additional hardware costs

  • High quality data set with demonstrable accuracy levels

  • Actionable insights to inform improvements to customer journeys and “moments of truth”

  • Generates insight into best conversion practices to help focus sales campaigns

  • Footfall, queue management, heat mapping/smart zone and location monitoring are just some of the areas in which we can provide data on driving superior staff scheduling and customer experience

  • Intuitive easy-to-use dashboard makes assimilating insights easy

Optimise operations with video analytics data. Save time with AI-powered redaction.

Schedule a consultation with us to find out more about our video analytics and compliance software